Have you ever wondered how Forex brokers make their money? Or if you could be the victim of Forex fraud? In this article, we’ll help you understand the two most common models used by online forex brokers to earn money: the A-Book and B-Book models.

First of all, let’s define these two terms. An A-Book model means that a broker takes no risk when dealing with clients’ orders. Instead, they pass these orders directly to a liquidity provider. On the other hand, the B-Book model means that a broker trades against its client (booking their losses as profits). This can become a source of serious fraud and unethical practices, so you must stay informed and remain vigilant.

Read on to discover more information about both models, so you can make an informed decision when choosing an online forex broker.

Introduction to Forex Trading

If you are new to Forex trading, you may think that making a profit is as simple as choosing which currency pair to buy or sell and watching the market just long enough for your trade to turn a profit. Not so. Enter Forex brokers, intermediaries who facilitate trades between traders and the market in exchange for a commission. But how do Forex brokers make money?

The answer lies in something called the A-Book and B-Book models. By understanding the difference between these two models, you can make sure that you are not the victim of malicious Forex fraud. The A-Book and B-Book models are ways that Forex brokers manage their clients’ trades and create profits for themselves.

A-Book deals are where the broker passes your trade directly onto another trader (or, at times, a liquidity provider). This means that traders receive unbiased prices with no additional fees or commissions, as no third party is involved with the deal. B-Book deals are where traders are trading against their broker who is taking on all risk. The broker then profits from any losses incurred by their clients, along with fees and commissions charged for each trade made on their platform.

What Are a-Book and B-Book Models?

When it comes to forex trading, the “A-Book” and “B-Book” models are two distinct ways in which brokers gain profits. Understanding how these models work can help you avoid becoming a victim of forex fraud.

A-Book Model

When it comes to the A-Book model, brokers don’t take positions opposite to their clients’ trades. Instead, they serve as an intermediary and charge commissions on each trade. So if you are trading via the A-Book model, your broker is not profiting from your losses.

B-Book Model

With the B-book model, brokers take the opposite position of their clients’ trades to generate profits. Also known as market makers or bucket shops, brokers that offer this type of service are looking to capitalize on their clients’ losses instead of charging commissions or fees.

Traders need to know which type of book model their broker is using so they know if their interest lies with theirs or not. Always opt for an A-book broker if possible it will give you a greater chance of success with fewer chances of fraud from your brokerage partner.

How Do Forex Brokers Make Money?

You may be wondering how forex brokers make money, given that they don’t charge commissions. The answer lies in two different strategies: the A-Book and B-Book models.

A-Book Model

In the A-Book model, brokers route clients’ trading orders directly to a liquidity provider. In this case, the broker acts as the intermediary between you and the liquidity provider and does not take any positions against you. As such, their profits come from markups on spreads or from offering add-on services like automated trading signals or trading advice.

B-Book Model

On the other hand, in the B-Book model brokers route your trades to their dealing desk and act as counterparties to your trades. That being said, when you are trading with them they can profit from losing trades made by you. So now that you know both ways forex brokers can make money the riskier one being the B-book model you can understand why it’s important that you choose a broker based on their regulatory compliance rather than solely on their pricing structure.

Pros & Cons of a-Book & B-Book Model

Forex brokers make money by charging traders a commission or a spread or both. To offer these services, they typically use the “A-Book” and “B-Book” models. You might be wondering, what are those?

A-Book Model

With the A-Book model, brokers forward all client trades to their liquidity providers. The broker sets their trading conditions when executing client trades. They may decide to add a spread to the price they receive from their liquidity providers as part of their income. This model has some advantages:

1. Better risk management for the broker

2. No conflict of interest between broker and trader

3. Potentially better overall trading conditions for traders

4. Less intervention in the client’s decision-making process

5. Lower risk for potential fraud

6. Transparency in the pricing and order execution process

7. Broker is less exposed to large open trades

B-Book Model

The B-book model, on the other hand, is where brokers take the opposite side of clients’ trades and keep them in their internal books rather than passing them on to any third parties or market makers such as liquidity providers that exist within the A-book model. This allows them to benefit from failed trades; meaning if a trade does not succeed then it benefits the broker balance sheet instead of an external party in this instance, like a liquidity provider. This provides more flexibility for brokers but also introduces more potential risks such as increased exposure and higher risks due to counterparty losses from large movements in position sizes that may require additional funds from traders to settle any negative outcomes instead of benefiting from positive ones.

Common Practices Used by Forex Brokers

You might not know this, but there are a few common practices that Forex brokers use to make money. Let’s take a look at two of the most popular: the A-Book and B-Book models.

A-Book Model

First is the A-Book model, which is when the broker passes trades directly on to its liquidity provider, who in turn takes the other side of the trade. The broker simply collects commissions and spreads for their services, but has no interest in whether their clients win or lose, as they only make money from the trading fees they charge.

B-Book Model

The second option is the B-book model, which is when brokers act as a counterparty to all of their client’s trades. In this model, they are taking on all of your trades themselves meaning that they have an interest in either your win or your loss. This gives them more control over any given trade since they can decide on prices and how much volume to allow for each transaction.

Avoiding Forex Frauds & Scams

Let’s face it, when you’re trading forex, you want to make sure your money is secure. So how do you avoid forex frauds and scams? Understanding the two main models that brokers use to make money is a good start.

A-Book Model

The A-Book model works like this: when you open a trade, the broker passes it on directly to the interbank market. The profits made from your trades are credited back to your account and the broker makes a small commission, known as a spread. The size of this spread can vary depending on certain market conditions or broker policies.

B-Book Model

The B-Book model operates differently; instead of passing on your trade to the interbank market, your broker keeps it in their books (hence “B-Book”). This means they are essentially betting against you in your trades. This isn’t necessarily bad, but if they’re doing it without letting you know or being transparent about it, then that’s a fraud!


To be safe when trading Forex, it’s important to understand the difference between A-Book and B-Book models, as well as how they generate revenue. As a trader, you should make sure that the broker you work with is using an A-Book model and that they have a good reputation.

While there is no 100% guarantee against fraud, these steps can help ensure that your money is safe. The key is to practice due diligence on any broker you are going to use and understand how their model works.

Forex fraud is a serious concern, but it doesn’t have to be the only outcome. With a little bit of research, you should be able to find a reputable broker that will provide you with a safe and secure trading environment.